well hello blogging world! this is my first blog of many to come in the future. To say something about myself. My name is Sara I'm 21, I'm a proud member of the Who Dat Nation. Gueax Saints. I have a boyfriend name Tommy, and we're addicts in the Left for Dead community. I have been doing some testing projects to get the hang of the general terms, stitching and just the crocheting community.
My first big project is going to be a beanie I promised my dad since Christmas I know I have been procrastinating his project when I was working on a crochet watermelon scarf I made for my sister. I got the watermelon scraf pattern from a blogger name gegecrochet right from this site. I think she does amazing stuff, and I loved all her projects. Anyway, my first project will be a beanie and this beanie is tricky. The reason being is that its my first beanie that I'm making is a Saints beanie. It's going to have the fluer de lis crocheted on there. I haven't done anything like this, so I had to make a crochet chart. I am going to get this started this weekend so I'll keep everything updated on this and will post pictures of the upcoming project. Wish me luck!